Carrot Tahini Muffins

Happy nurses appreciation week to all my fellow nurses out there! Since starting nursing I am under the belief that someone will never truly understand what a nurse does unless they too are a nurse. There is this strange bond between us nurses. We’ve put our hands in unmentionable places, we’ve been yelled at by patients and family members, we’ve gone without food or bathroom breaks for extended periods of times – possibly even the entirety of our shift, we ask the difficult and “awkward” questions, we’ve endured...

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Double Chocolate Banana Muffins with Peanut Buttter Drizzle

Double Chocolate Banana Muffins with Peanut Buttter Drizzle

As I left work Sunday night I was greeted by inches of freshly fallen snow. The streets were quiet in the midnight hour as I gently drove home on the unplowed roads. Despite the beautiful white-covered scenery I awoke to this morning, the day turned out to be a very "monday-monday", even though I had the day off - which seems like it should be illegal, right?? Home bound with my newly acquired cough I dared not...

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